Music from the deepest layers of the Ukrainian tradition. Remixed.

Music from the deepest layers of the Ukrainian tradition. Remixed.

The Paris To Kyiv Journey
With one foot firmly on Canadian soil and the other foot in Eastern Europe, Alexis Kochan uncovered a soundscape in between with her Paris To Kyiv project. Kochan and her collaborators seamlessly blended ancient Ukrainian music with contemporary sounds. Drawing on the deep musical traditions of Eastern Europe, they wove a universal sonic tapestry working in strands of jazz and new music, medieval Slavonic chant, dance tunes inspired by Carpathian Mountain fiddlers and blind bandura players, original compositions and ancient ritual song.
In 1996, singer Alexis Kochan partnered with bandurist and sopilka player, Julian Kytasty along with violist/guitarist/singer/songwriter Richard Moody. Together they created the core of the Paris To Kyiv sound. In order to create different colours and textures on each recording, Kochan invited other musicians from different cultural worlds to join the ensemble. Their sublime and ethereal music has borne audiences on two continents and across two centuries. The body of work that lies between is one that now truly deserves its name.
The Paris To Kyiv Journey
With one foot firmly on Canadian soil and the other foot in Eastern Europe, Alexis Kochan uncovered a soundscape in between with her Paris To Kyiv project. Kochan and her collaborators seamlessly blended ancient Ukrainian music with contemporary sounds. Drawing on the deep musical traditions of Eastern Europe, they wove a universal sonic tapestry working in strands of jazz and new music, medieval Slavonic chant, dance tunes inspired by Carpathian Mountain fiddlers and blind bandura players, original compositions and ancient ritual song.
In 1996, singer Alexis Kochan partnered with bandurist and sopilka player, Julian Kytasty along with violist/guitarist/singer/songwriter Richard Moody. Together they created the core of the Paris To Kyiv sound. In order to create different colours and textures on each recording, Kochan invited other musicians from different cultural worlds to join the ensemble. Their sublime and ethereal music has borne audiences on two continents and across two centuries. The body of work that lies between is one that now truly deserves its name.
Paris To Kyiv Recordings

Paris To Kiev
Alexis Kochan’s first Paris To Kyiv effort from 1994 features collaborations with Nestor Budyk along with Carpathian Mountain musicians Alexander Boychouk and Petro Iurashchuk.

Alexis Kochan, Julian Kytasty and Richard Moody perform on this 1996 recording that combines pre-Christian ritual songs, fragments of medieval chant along with modern influences. Also featuring Martin Colledge, Henry Zacharias and Evans Coffie.

Prairie Nights and Peacock Feathers
Ukrainian ritualistic song cycles juxtapose songs reflecting the human life cycle on this lush collection from 2000. Featuring Alexis Kochan, Julian Kytasty, Richard Moody, Martin Colledge and Nenad Zdjelar.

In 2005 Paris To Kyiv continue their evolution towards a truly universal sonic tapestry. Kochan, Kytasty and Moody are joined by new musical partners, Christian Dugas, Gilles Fournier and Rodrigo Munoz.

Fragmenti Remixes
Adam Hannibal of Balanced Records enlists a hearty crop of producers to reinterpret many of the works from Fragmenti in this 2016 release. The result is this lavish and layered meeting of musical worlds.

Paris To Kiev
Alexis Kochan’s first Paris To Kyiv effort from 1994 features collaborations with Nestor Budyk along with Carpathian Mountain musicians Alexander Boychouk and Petro Iurashchuk.

Alexis Kochan, Julian Kytasty and Richard Moody perform on this 1996 recording that combines pre-Christian ritual songs, fragments of medieval chant along with modern influences. Also featuring Martin Colledge, Henry Zacharias and Evans Coffie.

Prairie Nights and Peacock Feathers
Ukrainian ritualistic song cycles juxtapose songs reflecting the human life cycle on this lush collection from 2000. Featuring Alexis Kochan, Julian Kytasty, Richard Moody, Martin Colledge and Nenad Zdjelar.

In 2005 Paris To Kyiv continue their evolution towards a truly universal sonic tapestry. Kochan, Kytasty and Moody are joined by new musical partners, Christian Dugas, Gilles Fournier and Rodrigo Munoz.

Fragmenti Remixes
Adam Hannibal of Balanced Records enlists a hearty crop of producers to reinterpret many of the works from Fragmenti in this 2016 release. The result is this lavish and layered meeting of musical worlds.